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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Business Benefit from Bloggers covering their Press Releases

Many companies release Press Releases through organizations that specialize in disseminating that release generically to news agencies.  These agencies will typically rate the press release to determin how news worthy it is. 

On occassion a business will benefit from the release as its picked up and written about for online or print publications.  Even more rarely the company may have their website mentioned in the article or placed in the online article in a way that the reader can click through to the business site and potentially become a customer.

Blogitive, a USWeb company, specializes in taking those press releases and funnelling them out to Bloggers, as indicated in their own web release on the topic.  Bloggers then review the press release and write up an article around the press release.  Blogitive works for the company that provided the press release and they enable that company to select keywords that can be associated with a hyperlink back to the companies website or page of choice. 

This benefits the company by

  1. Putting the Press release into greater circulation
  2. Providing a Reciprocal Link back to the company, which will increase the companies Google PageRank which will deliver more Natural Search Visitors
  3. Provides the link and the information in a contextual setting that can be picked up by other news organizations with the additional and objective analysis that comes with the blog articles.

Bloggers receive a nominal fee of $5 which allows them to   Make Money Online blogging.  They must insert the article in between two other articles that are not press release covered or financially incented.