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Friday, June 15, 2007

Timing It in the Office

There's something about a watch, that is starting to define different types of people in the office.  It used to be that almost everyone wore a watch.  These days however that's not always the case.  People have many other options to tell time such as their cell phones, their computers, a handful of other digital products including the readout in their car and sometimes they don't even care.

People that still wear a watch often times do it for two reasons.  One in making a statement about their clothing apparel and accessories, maybe even wearing a hamilton watches.  Two, they like to remain grounded by knowing exactly what time it is whenever they look at their wrist.

Those traits can be very useful when you're trying to put together a team.  Some people might look at a team and think that it's important to align a team with people entirely of one persuasion or the other.  In fact it's better to mix up the team and try to utilize people that wear a watch those people that don't wear a watch.


The people that wear watch will help keep everybody on time and moving along at a brisk pace.  The people that don't wear a watch, won't stop working for anything until the job's done.  Very useful to have both types of people on your team the next time you're in the office take notice of who's wearing a watch and who's not wearing a watch.